
HMN-243 A Netorase Story (NTS) of a Busty Wife Forced into an Affair by Her Novelist Husband

Ohana Non, a busty wife, is coerced by her husband, a novelist, to have an affair with his friend in order to provide inspiration for his current novel about adultery. Despite her initial reluctance, she ultimately gives in to her husband’s demands and engages in sexual activities with his friend.

The husband uses the experience to fuel his writing and ultimately finishes the novel. However, the consequences of their actions and the impact on their marriage are left uncertain.

What is NTS or Netorase?
Netorase is a sub-genre of NTR that involves consensual cheating, where the protagonist’s romantic partner willingly engages in romantic or sexual activities with another character with the protagonist’s knowledge and approval.

It is different from traditional NTR as the protagonist’s partner is not forced or coerced into cheating, but rather does so willingly and with the protagonist’s consent.